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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

6 BIG Anthropological Questions- What is culture? What does it mean to be a person ? Test 2

You will be answering these questions in paragraph format.
Resources-What is Anthropology Reading, What is Culture Reading?
Waorani film,
10 sentences per paragraph
3 Key Concepts and 4 terms from What is culture packet per question.
Evidence ( from Waorani film )
Analysis ( Why this is important)

These are the 2 you will be answering!!
1. What is culture?
2. What does it mean to be a person?

3. What does it mean to live in society?
4. How are we the same and different form each other?
5. Why does anthropology matter?
6. To what extent is it possible to know others?

Sample Response:
What is culture

Anthropologists define culture as an organized system of symbols,  ideas, explanations, beliefs and material production that people like the Waorani create and utilize in their daily lives. The Waorani are a hunter gardener society that live in the Amazon Rainforest. Their belief system and core values are based in sharing. Sharing symbolically shapes their  culture and identity.  This is observed in their interactions with each other throughout the day. At mealtime when the grandmother shares food equally to all groups from the cooking pot.  The Waorani learn materialist  skills that are  important to their survival as young children through a process of enculturation. We see materialist skills like hunting developing when young boys play games with spears, stabbing a termite nest. The girls learn materialist skills when they accompany their mothers to the manioc gardens. The Waorani believe both sets of skills have equal importance. The process of enculturation, learning  important cultural  norms like sharing and material skills is a culturally adaptive trait to be used in the jungle enable  the Waorani to survive in balance with their environment.

What is culture terms...



How is culture shared?
How does culture help us in a state of nature?
How is culture all encompassing?
What are cultural patterns that are integrated? How can they shape personalities and core values? 
Define culture as adaptive and maladaptive with examples. 
 Define cultural universals, generalities, and particularities. Use examples. 
Individual Agency 
Real culture vs. Ideal culture.
 national culture, 
international  culture, 
cultural relativism, 
human rights, 
cultural rights, 
Intellectual property rights