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Monday, November 18, 2019

IA Step 2

IB Social and Cultural Anthropology
Ms. Hodgson

IA Step 2 

Step 2 Choose One strategy. Use your packet, directions and rubric to write an explanation of why you are choosing one of the following. 300 words due. You will need to submit actual plan and questions.The Step 2 strategy will need to be administered by. IA part 2 write up Due Dec 2. 

Part 3 in class write up Dec 10.  

Step 2 Strategies
Context or Issue based

Participant observation- You are actively taking part in the cultural context, observing, describing and analyzing. Examples-You are in a classroom, you are now a student. You are observing a game you are now attending practice.  After the time write one page minimum front and back response of your time what you experienced. Analyze.

Life History- This is with a cultural consultant provides a portrait of their existence in the culture. Looks at past and present how culture has changed. Example: Record a Priest/Principal of the school  how has his parish/school his role changed how has his parish or school changed. Focus on his/her/they role in culture.  Go from general to more specific issue you are interested in or context meaning within cultural framework. Make sure open ended. Write up the life history one page front and back. Analyze.

Interviews- Minimum of 2 people. 10 questions. Go from general to more specific issue you are interested in or context meaning within cultural framework. Make sure open ended. Administer and write up. Minimum one page front and back. Analyze.

Survey-Minimum of 20 people. 10 questions. Go from general to more specific issue you are interested in or context meaning within cultural framework. Make sure you can tabulate, give specific choices. Tabulate by due date. Analyze


For each step Make a Cover Page just like the observation report,

Extension of Field Work for Waffle House
Your name 

word count

Inside Page 
In the inside MLA and then Extension of Feld Work Waffle House 