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Monday, January 20, 2020

Real World Issue LLC Question, Essay Example Introduction and Checklist

Essay Question 
With reference to Learning Capitalist Culture form one area of inquiry discuss how either symbolism, materiality  or society helps you to understand One of the issues below grounded in a real-world example.


Sample introduction 

In the ethnography Learning Capitalist Culture Deep in the Heart of Tejas by Douglas E. Foley, Foley unpeels the layers of history that reveal an external and internal power structure in society controlled by Anglos. He documents the inquiry area of conflict that arises when Mexicanos seek power in political organizations and within a high school during the 1970s Chicano Civil Rights Movement. This longitudinal ethnography takes place  in a an agricultural  community in North Town, Texas. The power structure that results in North Town  socially reproduces inequality  in the high schools amongst students like the Anglo football players and Vatos. He uses Neo Marxist Theory to illustrate the limited agency of individuals with qualitative detail. This is again pervade in Adam Hodges What to Call US Border Detention Centers? Today society is still dominated by  conflict when trying to address inequality due to hegemony, the way laws are enforced, and  the  simplification of history based in stereotypes to identify people of color.

Real World Issue LLC Essay Checklist
12 pt.
double spaced
Highlight anthro key concepts, terms, Area of Inquiry
Underline thesis and Underline Restatement in Conclusion

  1. Title
  2. In depth-longer paragraphs ( 8 sentences except for #4)
  3. Anthropologist, ethnography,Chicano Civil Rights Movement 1970s, purpose, town 
  4. Persuasive
  5. Passion
  6. Comparison Mexicanos and Anglos 
  7. Knowledge- Real World Issue, LCC, Anthro terminology (ppt/readings)
  8. Evidence
  9. Analysis- do you explain why this evidence is important and what it means for people and society. 
  10. Theory- Neo Marxist Bordieu and Mills Intellectual Craftsmanship
  11. Check Rubric