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Monday, February 17, 2020

Chapter 3 Questions Trobrianders

Trobrianders Annette Weiner
Journal Study Guide Chapter 3: “Fathers and Matrilineage”
Significant Vocabulary – define
1.     Baloma

2.     Kopoi

3.     What is similar about where babies come from and the room and bed of the mother, and seclusion of the mother as compared to death rituals?

4.     Compare a baby’s birth in our culture compared to the Trobriands?

5.     How is the waiwaia or fetus formed?

6.     How does Weiner account for different ways to get pregnant, include 3?

7.     What are some of the restrictions for nursing mothers?

8.     How is a mans' contributions complementing what a woman bestows?

9.     Why are Trobrianders called by their ancestral names except for chiefs?

10.  What does a child receive from their father?

11.  How does the father nurture kopoi?

12.  Describe why marriage is important and Sarah’s story.

13.  Describe how fathers and other villagers care for their children.

14.  How does a father add to a child’s social beauty through Kula necklaces?

15.  Describe in detail what happens with use of hard words.