Kinship Terms- Belonging
1. Endogamy
2. Family
3. Family of orientation
4. Family of procreation
5. Descent group
6. Patrilineal descent group
7. Matrilineal descent group
8. Unilineal descent group
9. Lineage
10. Clan
11. Exogamy
12. Totem
13. Caste
14. Incest
15. Levirate
16. Bridewealth
17. Progeny price
18. Dowry
Plural marriage
19. Polygyny
20. Polygamy
21. monogamy
22. Polyandry
23. Sororate
24. Divorce is less common when? ( 4 areas)
25. Nuclear family
26. Extended family
27. Affinal kin
28. Consanguine